About Patiala GreenCABS

PATIALA FOUNDATION is a Non Government Organisation registered under societies Act.XXI of 1860.It got registered in 2009.Organisations intends to provide financial services to poor rural/semi urban families in Patiala and surrounding Districts in the state of Punjab, India to enable them to invest in income-generating activities. It also intends to provide insurance products by collaborating Insurance Companies to assist in asset development, as well as a complementary loan product for special emergencies.

As an organization dedicated to the socio-economic development of rural/semi urban communities, Patiala Foundation is also looking to facilitate additional services to its clients through alliances with other organizations in the area of health, education and vocational training.
Vision of the organization is “To build a society where all have equal and sufficient economic and social opportunities to improve their standards of living, and where they can contribute productively towards the overall development of the country. At the same time, it seeks to achieve a transparent and sustainable institution by providing support services to more than one thousand clients by 2012, while operating with fast-track growth model and innovative strategy”

Presently organization intends to engage in starting a Livelihood project and initially to start  operating with branches in Patiala district.It intends to serve poor client. The proposed amount shall be utilized for income generating activities like Rickshaw (Patiala GreenCABS).
Main focus of the organization shall be  to enhance the income of house holds and improve the status of poor in the society. It is important to mention here that income of the households has increased at certain extent as most of the clients shall be given Green CABS at subsidized rent rates .

Economically, rickshaw pullers( Traction Drivers) are one of the poorest of the poor in the society. There is constant struggle among the Traction Drivers. They work very hard and hardly earned Rs 100/- in a day and they have to pay Rs 25-30 to the owner as a rent daily, and the rest is spent on food and others maintenance thereby leaving a small amount at the end of the day.

Traction Drivers are among the least organized and least protected sectors. Neither is their working environment regulated nor their social security issues addressed..

From early morning to evening they ply rickshaws and they also ply rickshaw in order to maintain their family. Their friends are amongst the rickshaw drivers and pullers only.
Cycling on an empty stomach is a common experience among rickshaws pullers. Living in abject poverty, most of them smoke beedies, chew tobacco, drink locally brewed alcohol and some are also prone to drugs. Most of them suffer from tuberculosis, asthma, chest problem and body ache and are unaware of their diseases and approach the local cheapest Doctor and pharmacy only on serious illness. As they do not check their ailment on a timely basis, sometimes they collapse and cause serious accidents. They are neither aware about any scheme of insurance nor they can avail this service.

With the above mentioned objectives, Patiala Foundation initiated work in this regard by starting of its Project “Patiala GreenCABS”.We shall be providing them a lighter in weight new design Rickshaw with a membership card which shall ensure FREE check up, concessional treatment,concessional Laboratory investigations,Discounted medicine after showing their cards at our partner establishments.We shall also be providing them with Insurance,Uniforms and assisting them to increase their earnings by introducing new advertisement concepts etc. WE SEEK YOUR SUPPORT FOR THIS PROJECT